We are looking for Colleagues who believe in the same Values as we, passionate about the Oil and Natural Gas Energy Infrastructure

Based on our long-term vision and key objectives, we create and support sustainable, stable jobs that bring engagement and benefits to both parties: employee versus employer.

We facilitate the professional development of our colleagues and support their learning process and the setting of career goals at both individual and team levels, based on their competencies.

Our values have defined us for 7 decades of history and they are at the heart of our organizational culture and working style: Integrity & Reciprocity | Agility & Frugality |Proactivity & Adaptability | Commitment & Responsibility | “One Team”

We warmly welcome all our new colleagues to the INSPET Team and Family!

Now hiring at INSPET S.A. 

  • Engineers
  • Technicians, Foremen
  • Plumbers
  • Welders
  • Locksmiths
  • Crane drivers
  • Electricians
INSPET S.A. | Platforma Industrială Vest | Ploiești
Conductă cu diametrul de 813 mm dintr-un tronson din cadrul proiectului BRUA | Lider al Asocierii: INSPET Ploiești | Beneficiar: TRANSGAZ