We are dedicated to excellence in Oil and Natural Gas Infrastructure, a commitment strengthened by our partnerships and affiliations with professional associations, trade organizations, and industry groups. We take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude.

The Romanian Chamber of Commerce & Industry is one of the most important forums for representing the Romanian businessmen in the last 150 years. As an exponent of the free market economy, the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry actively contributes to the development of the business environment and, implicitly, of Romania.

The Prahova County Chamber of Commerce & Industry is a non-governmental organization of public benefit, created in order to provide dedicated support for the business community of our county, Prahova.
INSPET S.A. is recognized by CCIR and The Prahova County Chamber of Commerce and Industry as a leader in its field.

The American Chamber of Commerce in Romania is one of the most representative business associations in Romania, acknowledged for its advocacy in fostering public-private dialogue on issues concerning the business landscape, economic policies, Romania’s competitive edge, and the dynamics of commercial relations between the USA and Romania. INSPET – Membership Certificate.

The European Climate Pact is an initiative – integral part of the European Green Pact / Green Deal – endorsed by the European Commission and that has as its main objective the protection of Europe’s natural environment and the implementation of the Circular Economy. It is a holistic invitation to the society (local communities, industry, companies, schools, etc.) – to actively participate in the field of climate, in the movement towards a Green Economy and a Greener Europe.

The European Clean Hydrogen Alliance is the industry group inside which companies and civil society representatives build the strategies of the future, with direct addressability to the way the Hydrogen can contribute to achieving climate neutrality goals.
INSPET is the only Romanian construction company specialized in fluid infrastructure and complex installations that has joined the Financing Task Force of the Transmission & Distribution H2 Roundtable within ECH2A, in 2023.Our company’s presence in this working group indicates both our interest in Romania’s transition to a hydrogen economy and acknowledgement of our experience and projects in the fluid infrastructure industry.

INSPET S.A. is an active member of ARACO – “The Romanian Association of Construction Contractors”, an employers’, professional, non-profit association, recognized by the Romanian Government as a dialogue partner. For over 30 years, this Association has supported and promoted the economic, financial, quality and social interests of the construction-assembly, research-design, mechanization and production of construction equipment units, with State, mixed or private capital.

Romanian Water Association (ARA) is a professional organization that promotes water resource sustainability by incorporating concepts of development and environmental protection into water supply, sewerage, and wastewater treatment. In this regard, the organization is founded on the following pillars: entrepreneurs, professionals, and suppliers who work together to make water-related investments and projects a reality.