300+ Cutting Edge Integrated Projects 

Main Trunks Pipeline Projects and Complex Oil & Natural Gas Installations

We operate in a very specialized industry, carrying out works that most often will withstand the most unfavorable weather conditions, internal pressures of dozens of atmospheres, toxic or corrosive substances, within the highest quality human and technical standards are pursued.

The works performed by INSPET S.A. cover a wide range of activities, from the rehabilitation of crude oil refineries to the construction, installation and repair of installations for natural gas, compressors for gas compression stations, gas drying stations, compression units for depleted gas fields, surface and depth installations for underground gas storage, installations for the exploitation of natural gas and civil constructions.

Due to the specifics of the core business, INSPET’s main clients are strategic companies in the Romanian Oil and Gas industry: state-owned and privately managed companies SNTGN Transgaz, SNGN Romgaz, Conpet and multinational majority-owned companies Delgaz Grid, Engie, OMV Petrom, Lukoil etc.) and neighboring countries (Bulgartransgaz EAD etc.).

Among the relevant projects are those of strategic importance (some carried out in association with other Romanian or foreign companies) for the Security of the National Energy System, many of which represent premieres at national or regional level: